September 7, 2015
It was nice to see so many of you at the picnic last week! I always enjoy seeing the big smiles on the faces of my young friends when they connect with their classmates they haven’t seen in a while, and hearing about their summer adventures!
Now, it is time to officially welcome all of you to the 2015/2016 school year. The staff has been working hard behind the scenes to create a warm, welcoming environment for our students, and we are eager to kick off the start of the new year!
Below you’ll find important information that will help to make our transition back to school a smooth one.
I look forward to working with you to make this year the best one ever!
Google Calendar: Stay updated by viewing the Muraco Open House calendar. It can be found on our website and this blog.
Upcoming Events:
Welcome Back Coffee: Beginning at 8:30 in the Gym
Tuesday, September 8th
Wednesday, September 9th
Tuesday, September 8th, and Wednesday, September 9th, students will be dismissed at 11:30.
Thursday, September 10th, and Friday, September 11th are full days.
Rosh Hashanah: Monday, September 14th, Day Off
Photo Day: Wednesday, September 16th
Yom Kippur: Wednesday, September 23rd, Day Off
On Tuesday your child will bring home the following forms in their backpack:
Two-sided Student Information Sheet: Please read carefully and make corrections. Complete the health form on the back of the sheet. Return no later than Friday, September 18th. It is critical that this information remain accurate. Please keep us updated of any changes made during the school y
Use of Student Information and Images for Educational Purposes: It is important that this form be completed and returned to school. This information will be kept in your child's records. Please return the form to your child's classroom teacher no later than Friday, September 18th.
KINDERGARTEN and NEW FAMILIES ONLY: Point of Sales (POS) information sheet: Your child’s pin number is on this sheet. Please help your child remember their number.
GRADE 1 – 5 FAMILIES: If your child forgot their pin number, please contact Mrs. McKinney in the office.
Photo Order Form: Pictures will be taken on Wednesday, September 16th
Free and Reduced Guidelines
If you plan on chaperoning field trips, please be sure to come to the office to complete a CORI.
Staff Update:
Since my last update, we hired two more staff members. I am pleased to announce that Melissa Morris and Marcy Solomon will be supporting students in grades 2 and 3 in their roles as teaching assistants. Emily Martin has joined the kindergarten team as an ADK aide. She'll be lending a hand in Mrs. Testa's room. I know that you will join me in welcoming them to our community.
ADK Families:
Please be sure that you have sent your tuition payment to Nancy Clark at Central Office. If you have any questions, please contact her at (781) 721-7001.
To ensure the safety of your children and a timely arrival, please adhere to the following procedures:
Supervision begins at 8:10. It is critical that students do not arrive to school before there is supervision.
To help maximize time on learning please be sure that your child arrives to school on time.
The side parking lot is for staff only.
ALL students will line up by class on the hard top in the back of the school.
A red flag placed at the front of the school will be the signal for students to line up indoors.
When the RED FLAG is out front students in kindergarten, first grade, and Mrs. Fagner and Mrs. Webber’s classes will line up in the front lobby.
Students in Mrs. Smith and Ms. Goldman’s classes, and all students in grades 3-5 will line up in the gym.
Students who arrive AFTER the first bell, at 8:25, should enter through the front lobby.
Students who arrive by bus will line up in the back of the school.
To ensure the students’ safety parents will not be allowed inside during arrival and dismissal times.
After arrivals and dismissals, all doors are locked.
For your child’s safety and peace of mind, please make arrangements before arriving to school and for him/her to be picked up promptly at dismissal.
Parking and Car Safety:
Use only the front parking lot for pick up and drop off. Moving traffic into and out of the side staff parking lot is extremely dangerous during these times due to the number of students walking.
Do not park in restricted areas.
Do not park around the rotary in the front of the school as it impedes all traffic flow.
Parents who are dropping off or picking up students will form a single line at the front of the school.
Drivers MUST remain in their vehicles.
To make this procedure most efficient and manageable, students should enter and exit from the passenger side between the STOP sign and ALL along the sidewalk.
Teach your child/children to wait for you on the sidewalk. No child is allowed to cross the parking lot to reach a car.
Turn off your car engine if you arrive early at dismissal time and are waiting in line. This will reduce the presence of harmful fumes.
Between the hours of 8:00 AM-9:00 AM and 2:00 PM-3:00 PM all drivers must turn RIGHT from Bates Rd. onto Washington St. after leaving the parking lot to alleviate traffic jams.
Student Handbook:
Please be sure to check out the student handbook on the website.
Friendly reminders:
Each day students have an opportunity to have a morning snack, and our young friends work up quite the appetite! We encourage you to pack a healthy snack, which can easily and neatly be consumed. Thank you for your support!
Food in Classrooms:
During the school day, all elementary schools will require that parties and celebrations be food free. Food will not be used as a reward or incentive for any student. Children are not allowed to share snacks or food with each other, either in school, on the bus, or at school sponsored events such as Field Trips.
Children may bring lunch from home or may purchase lunch through the school lunch program. Elementary school lunch cost is $3.00, milk $0.60, water $0.85, and a la-carte $1.25.
You can deposit money into your child’s lunch account with a check, made payable to Winchester School Lunch, or cash, delivered to the school on the first three mornings of school from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. During the school year deposits can be made at school on Monday mornings from 8:00-9:00 am. You can also pay anytime online at NOTE: There is currently a 5.75% transaction fee for depositing money into accounts online.
Slushies Make it ALL Good! |
Catching up with Friends! |
Just chilling! |