Friday, January 23, 2015

Week in Review 1.23

Wow!  It was a short week, but we accomplished a great deal!

Our week ended with a musical performance which was sponsored by the CSA.  Alastair Moock captivated his audience.  Students in grades k-2 enjoyed the program, Voices of American Folk,  and students in grades 3-5 were entertained with Music and Social Change.

I am asking for your help.  The past couple of weeks the number of students arriving after the 8:30 bell has averaged 55 students, and some days the number is higher!  It is critical to the success of your child and the other students in the classroom that your child arrive to school on time.  Please help to develop good habits by having your students here for the first bell at 8:25. Thank you for your support!

Meet our newest staff members:

School Nurse- Mrs. Debbie Provanzano

5th Grade Classroom Teacher- Ms. Julie MacSwan

Save the Dates:
  • February 9th, is Tech Night. Don’t miss the chance to see many Muraco students and teachers in grades 2-5 running mini technology workshops.  It will be held at McCall from 6PM-8PM. 

  • Grades 3-5 Concert will be held on Monday, February 2nd.  It will be held in the Lincoln School auditorium beginning at 6:30.

Friendly Reminders
  • Thursday is a release day. 
  • Please be sure to park in marked spaces when entering the building or picking up your child(ren). 
  • To ensure the safety of our students please:
    • Shut off your cars while waiting for your children at the end of the day.
    • Adhere to the speed limit.  

All smiles at the CSA sponsored program

Friday, January 9, 2015

Save the Dates

There are some events that have been scheduled and rescheduled, and I want you to be sure that you save the dates.

RULER Presentation: As you are aware, we have been using the RULER social/emotional program out of Yale with our students.  The trainers from Yale will be making a presentation, and attendees will learn about emotional intelligence, how RULER is being rolled out in Winchester Schools, and practical tips for using emotional intelligence tools and strategies at home.  The presentation will be made on January 13th from 6:30-8:00 in the V-O Library.

Concerts:  Our talented music teacher, Mrs. Perkins, will be taking a maternity leave at the end of February.  We want to be sure that our students have the opportunity to share what they have learned in music class, so we have rescheduled our concert dates to accommodate Ms. Perkins leave and to allow time for her replacement to work with the students.  We will begin the hiring process in the next couple of weeks.

  • Mrs. Perkins will be leading the Grades 3-5 concert on Monday, February 2nd, from 6:30-7:15.  This performance will take place in the Lincoln School Auditorium.
  • The K-2 performance will be lead by the long term substitute.  It will be held in the Muraco gym on Wednesday, April 15th, from 9:00-9:30.