Sunday, December 4, 2016

Our Muraco Teams are Busy!

Matthew Comenitz- Marlow's Christmas Tree Book Signing
Wednesday, December 7th, at 4:30

Matthew Comenitz, first grade teacher, will read and sign copies of his new book, Marlow's Christmas Tree. Marlow is a mouse who loves Christmas more than anything in the world, but he has never had a Christmas tree of his own. He decides that this year will different, and goes in search of his own Christmas tree, but it's not an easy task for a little mouse! Matthew, who is a 1st grade teacher at Muraco Elementary School in Winchester, originally came up with the idea for his story while living in an apartment in Allston, where he met some of Marlow's real-life kin.

News from the Speech and Language Team

Gabriel Noble and Theresa Aceto-Black have created a website to help you better support your children at home. Their hope is that you be able to easily navigate this site to learn about programs and useful speech and language strategies to help your child access the curriculum.

Below please find the link to the site.  You can also find it on the Muraco School website in the Curriculum tab.  Be sure to check this site  periodically, as new information will be added.
Fourth Grade Students Practicing Mindfulness!

Making their Own Fun While Waiting for the Bus!

Friendly Reminders
  • School starts at 8:30.  I am noticing that many students are arriving after the 8:30 bell.  Please help us instill good habits by having your child arrive to school on time.  
  • It important that you turn off your car while waiting for your children at dismissal.  There is an idling law that we must follow.  
  • All car drop off and pick ups should occur on Bates Road.  Please do not use the adjacent streets.  It is a safety issue, and we want to be respectful of our neighbors.

Your support and cooperation makes all the difference!  I appreciate your efforts.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have so much to be thankful for at Muraco!  I want to thank you for your partnership; it's what sets our community apart from the rest.  The students' bright smiles, warm hugs and enthusiasm they show each day make my job the best! How lucky we are to have the privilege to work with your children.  I hope that this holiday season is filled with wonderful memory makers with family and friends.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Don't Vote Hungry!

The Fifth Grade Committee is going all out to tempt all voters to buy a tasty treat. There will be coffee, baked goods, breakfast items, and pizza in the lobby starting at 7:00am, on November 8th.  Proceeds will benefit the 5th grade class.  All funds raised will go to the purchase of a class gift to Muraco and their end-of-year activities.

We appreciate your support!

Thursday, October 27, 2016

What a Team!

Muraco is buzzing with activity! It was great to see so many of you at conferences, and to hear how your children have transitioned into the new year. You have established goals with your child's classroom teacher, and in many cases, with input from your child. We look forward to working with you to help your child reach their next level of excellence! As always, we appreciate and recognize the difference our partnership makes for our students.

Parent volunteers have provided our students with wonderful enrichment opportunities, and I want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation.

Multi-Cultural Fair:  Many thanks to Oksana Carnes and her team of volunteers who organized the Multi-Cultural Fair.  It was a fun-filled evening for all who attended.  There was something for everyone: crafts, a wide assortment of delicious food, and performances by MANY of our talented students.

Book Fair: The books are flying off the shelves!  A special thanks to Erin Ficociello, Lori Stalteri, and several volunteers for their efforts in organizing this event.  This Fair supports our goal of igniting a passion for reading, and all profits go to our library, which helps to grow our inventory of books!  Thank you, ALL, for your support!

Principal of the Day:  On Tuesday Lisa Mandaglio and I enjoyed the day off while Sarah Preston assumed the role of Principal, and Gus and Scarlett Gustafson, took on the role of Assistant Principal.  They welcomed all the day had to offer with professionalism and enthusiasm, much to the delight of our students!  This day was a result of the MESPA raffle where all people who donated to the Direct Appeal qualified. No donation is too small; it all makes a difference for our students! Again, thank you for your continued support!

Room Parents: Many thanks to Beth Lepore for organizing the room parents for this year, and of course, to the MANY volunteers who offered to take the lead. There is a lot of collecting and running around for supplies, but know that our students love the many creative projects you organize for their classroom celebrations.

Irish Step Dancers Happy to Share their Passion!

Bread for Sale!

Will the WHOLE Loaf  Make it Home?

Sales at the Book Fair are Great!
Administrative Team Collaborating at Lunch!

Ms. Preston Meets Ms. Dunleavy's Mother at Central Office!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Updated Curriculum Night Schedule

Curriculum Night
Thursday, October 13

We look forwarding to welcoming you on Thursday. There is so much to share!

Please note that the classrooms will be open all evening, so that you will be able to browse at your leisure. The purpose of the evening is to learn about classroom routines, expectations, and units of study. Out of respect for your child, please do not discuss his/her individual needs.This event is intended for adults only.

Kindergarten and First Grade:  
  • Kindergarten: Begin in child's classrooms and then meet in Mrs. Testa's room
  • First Grade:  Begin in child's classrooms and then gather in the gym

Grades 4 and 5:
  • Grade 4: Dunleavy/McDonough
    • Begin in child’s classroom, then meet in Ms. Dunleavy's room

  • Capodanno/Lassins/Clements
    • Begin in child’s classroom and then move into Mrs. Capodanno’s room

  • Grade 5:  
    • Andella/Kelly
      • Start in child’s homeroom, then meet in Mrs. Andella’s room
    • Dumas/Fay/Sheldon
      • Start in child’s homeroom and then meet in Mrs. Dumas' room

General Meeting: Gym
  • Rethinking Homework
  • MCAS 2.0

Grades 2 and 3:  

  • Grade 2: Begin in child’s classroom and move to the library
  • Grade 3:  Begin in child’s classroom and then meet in the gym
    First Grade Earned Pajama Day!

    Working with Our Buddies!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Upcoming Events

Thursday, September 29: Release Day
Monday, October 3: No School
Monday, October 10: No School
Wednesday, October 12: No School
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, October 26-28: Release Days (Conferences)

Curriculum Night
Thursday, October 13

Kindergarten and First Grade  

Grades 4 and 5

General Meeting:  
  • Rethinking Homework
  • MCAS 2.0


Grades 2 and 3  

Monday, September 19, 2016

We are off to a Great Start!

We are heading into our second full week of school, but the sights and sounds make me think we have been here much longer.  Your children are well on their way to feeling part of a community where anything is possible!

Community Meeting: We had our first meeting last Friday!  We reviewed our Community Charter, celebrated September birthdays, and introduced our theme, Together We Make a World of Difference!  #Muracocares.  I also asked the students to complete a project where students have the opportunity to show how they are making our school/world a better place.  Ms. Gualteri shared her self-portrait to ignite students' creativity. Directions for our community project will be coming home today.

Instrumental Music Lessons:  Lessons will begin this Wednesday, September 21, for students in grade 3-5 who registered.  Below please find the schedule.

7:45-8:30:  Gr. 3 Strings:  Music Room
                       Gr. 5 Brass and Woodwinds:  Library

8:30-9:15:  Gr. 4 Strings:  Music Room
                      Gr. 4 Brass and woodwinds:  Ms. Cunha's office
                 Gr. 5 Percussion:  Ms. Cunha's office
                       Gr 5 Strings:  Music Room

Friendly Reminders
  • Students should be in the building ready to start the day no later than 8:30.  
  • When there is a change in your child's dismissal plan, please email the classroom teacher and Lori McKinney.  Also, please alert your child to the change, so they are aware.
  • On the rare occasion that dismissal plans change, please contact Lori BEFORE 2:00.   
  • Dogs are not permitted on school grounds.
Curling Up with a Good Book!

Reading is a Basket of Fun!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Conversation Starters!

The rain did not damper our first day! Thank you for your efforts in making the first day a smashing success.

Conversation Starters that May Give You a Better Glimpse of Your Child's Day!

  1. Tell me about the best part of your day.
  2. What was the hardest thing you had to do today?
  3. Tell me about what you read in class.
  4. Who did you play with today? What did you play?
  5. What's the biggest difference between this year and last year?
  6. What rules are different at school than our rules at home?
  7. Who did you sit with at lunch?
  8. Can you show me something you learned (or did) today?
  9. What did you eat for lunch?
  10. What games did you play at recess?
  11. What was the funniest thing that happened today?
  12. Did anyone do anything super nice for you?
  13. What kind thing did you do for someone else?
  14. Who made you smile today?
  15. What new fact did you learn today?
  16. Who brought the best food in their lunch today? What was it?
  17. What challenged you today?
  18. If school were a ride at the fair, which ride would it be? Why?
  19. Who do you want to make friends with but haven’t yet? Why not?
  20. What is your teacher’s most important rule?
  21. Does your teacher remind you of anyone else you know? How?
  22. Tell me something you learned about a friend today.
  23. When did you feel most proud of yourself today?
  24. What rule was the hardest to follow today?
  25. What is one thing you hope to learn before the school year is over?
  26. Which person in your class is your exact opposite?
  27. Which area of your school is the most fun?

Monday, September 5, 2016

Welcome Back!

Dear Muraco Families,

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year!  The start of a school year signals new beginnings, and are filled with many hopes and wishes!   I look forward to hearing about your children's summer adventures, and of course, seeing their back to school wardrobes that they wear so proudly. I also look forward to working with you to fulfill children’s hopes.  

While Steve and Dave were working hard on cleaning and maintaining the interior of the building, a crew was busy laying a new black top for our play area behind the school.  The students are going to be thrilled to play ball on a level surface!   

This summer the staff has enjoyed some well deserved rest and relaxation, but they have also participated in many professional development opportunities.  Many participated in courses and workshops on differentiation of instruction, co-teaching, English Language Learners, and technology just to name a few.

Research shows that collaboration between general and special educators benefits the quality of instruction and supports for all students. They are eager to plan, teach lessons, share instructional strategies, and monitor the progress of all students.

This year we will expand the highly effective co-teaching model.  Teachers in Grades 2-5 will be working together to best meet the needs of our students.
  • Grade 2:  Mrs. Christina Fagner and Mrs. Alison Delory
  • Grade 3:  Mrs. Christina Ulacco, Mrs. Lauren Cooper and Mrs. Lynn Mazzocchi
  • Grade 4:  Mrs. Chrissy Capodanno, Ms. Jennifer Lassins and Ms. Denise Clements
  • Grade 5:  Mrs. Jennifer Dumas, Ms. Caitlin Fay and Ms. Paige Sheldon

We are a collaborative learning community, and as a group of educators we understand the power of a team! We look forward to strengthen our partnership with you.  It is your support that makes your child’s hopes and dreams possible.  Here is to the best year ever!

Staffing Update:
  • Carren Webber, second grade teacher, made the decision to retire, effectively immediately.  Carren was a member of the Muraco community for the past 17 years, and she will be missed.  We wish her much happiness and good health as she begins her next chapter.
  • I am thrilled to announce that Vicki Gerry will be the new grade 2 teacher.  She has been busy this past week!  She participated in the new teacher orientation, met and collaborated with members of her Muraco team, and worked countless hours to set up a warm, welcoming learning environment for her students.  I know that you will join me in giving her a warm, Muraco welcome.

State Primary:  will be held this Thursday, our first day of lunch.  Lunch will be served in the front hallway, and students will be eating in the classrooms.  I share because this change can cause anxiety for some, especially the kindergarten and first grade students.  For parents with younger students I would encourage you to pack a lunch for your child on the first day, but understand this is a suggestion.

  • Sarah Brown is this year’s MESPA President, and she and several other parent volunteers have been working hard to coordinate activities and programs that broaden our students’ thinking and strengthen our home/school connection.  Our students benefit tremendously from the efforts of this dedicated group of parents, and it our hope that more parents will consider lending a hand.  If you would like to learn how you can volunteer or you have a question regarding a MESPA event, please feel free to contact Sara at:

Important Notices:

On Tuesday your child will bring home the following forms in their backpack:

Please return the Student Information Sheet and Health form no later than Friday, September 16th. It is critical that this information remain accurate.  Please keep us updated of any changes made during the school year.

  • Student Information Sheet: Please read carefully and make corrections.  
  • Health Update Form
  • Point of Sales (POS) Information Sheet: Discusses the NEW POS system, NUTRIKIDS.  Your child’s pin number is on this sheet.  Please help your child remember their number.
  • Free and Reduced Guidelines can be found on the District website
  • If you plan on chaperoning field trips, please be sure to come to the office to complete a CORI.

ADK Families:
Please be sure that you have sent your tuition payment to Nancy Clark at Central Office.  If you have any questions, please contact her at (781) 721-0080.

To ensure the safety of your children and a timely arrival, please adhere to the following procedures:
  • Supervision begins at 8:10.  It is critical that students do not arrive to school before there is supervision.
To help maximize time on learning please be sure that your child arrives to school on time.

First Bell:  8:25 – Students will begin to enter the building
Second Bell: 8:30 – Classes begin

  • The side parking lot is for staff only.
  • ALL students will line up by class on the hard top in the back of the school.
  • A red flag placed at the front of the school will be the signal for students to line up indoors.
    1. When the RED FLAG is out front students in kindergarten, first, and second grades will line up in the front lobby.
    2. Students in grades 3-5 will line up in the gym.
  • Students who arrive AFTER the first bell, at 8:25, should enter through the front lobby.
  • Students who arrive by bus will be escorted to the back of the school by a staff member.
  • To ensure the students’ safety parents will not be allowed inside during arrival and dismissal times.
  • After arrivals and dismissals, all doors are locked.
  • For your child’s safety and peace of mind, please make arrangements before arriving to school and for him/her to be picked up promptly at dismissal.

Parking and Car Safety:
  • Use only the front parking lot for pick up and drop off.  Moving traffic into and out of the side staff parking lot is extremely dangerous during these times due to the number of students walking.
  • Do not park in restricted areas.
  • Do not park around the rotary in the front of the school as it impedes all traffic flow.
  • Parents who are dropping off or picking up students will form a single line at the front of the school.
  • Drivers MUST remain in their vehicles.  Vehicles should be put in park before allowing children to exit vehicles.
  • To make this procedure most efficient and manageable, students should enter and exit from the passenger side between the STOP sign and ALL along the sidewalk.  
  • Teach your child/children to wait for you on the sidewalk. No child is allowed to cross the parking lot to reach a car.
  • Turn off your car engine if you arrive early at dismissal time and are waiting in line.  This will reduce the presence of harmful fumes.
  • Between the hours of 8:00 AM-9:00 AM and 2:00 PM-3:00 PM all drivers must turn RIGHT from Bates Rd. onto Washington St. after leaving the parking lot to alleviate traffic jams.   

Student Handbook:
Please be sure to check out the student handbook on the website.  

Some Friendly Reminders:

Each day students have an opportunity to have a morning snack, and our young friends work up quite the appetite! We encourage you to pack a healthy snack, which can easily and neatly be consumed. Thank you for your support!

Food in Classrooms:
During the school day, all elementary schools will require that parties and celebrations be food free. Food will not be used as a reward or incentive for any student. Children are not allowed to share snacks or food with each other, either in school, on the bus, or at school sponsored events such as Field Trips.

Children may bring lunch from home or may purchase lunch through the school lunch program.  Elementary school lunch cost is $3.00, milk $0.60, water $0.85, and a la-carte $1.25.

You can deposit money into your child’s lunch account with a check, made payable to Winchester School Lunch, or cash, delivered to the school on the first four mornings of school from 8:00 am to 9:00 am. During the school year deposits can be made at school on Monday mornings from 8:00-9:00 am.   You can also pay anytime online.  You can register free at:  The notice that will go home on Tuesday gives much more information regarding this feature.

Save the Dates:

Welcome Back Coffee: Beginning at 8:30 in the Gym
Learn about some changes: Recess/Lunch, Student Data System, Website...

  • Wednesday, September 6th
  • Thursday, September 7th   

Curriculum Night:  
  • Thursday, October 13th, beginning at 5:45
The purpose of Curriculum Night is for parents to meet the teacher and learn about routines and expectations.  In addition to your classroom visit, I would like to invite you to the gym where I will speak about some of the highlights and changes for this year.  We look forward to meeting with you.  More details will follow as we get closer to these dates.