Muraco is buzzing with activity! It was great to see so many of you at conferences, and to hear how your children have transitioned into the new year. You have established goals with your child's classroom teacher, and in many cases, with input from your child. We look forward to working with you to help your child reach their next level of excellence! As always, we appreciate and recognize the difference our partnership makes for our students.
Parent volunteers have provided our students with wonderful enrichment opportunities, and I want to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and appreciation.
Multi-Cultural Fair: Many thanks to Oksana Carnes and her team of volunteers who organized the Multi-Cultural Fair. It was a fun-filled evening for all who attended. There was something for everyone: crafts, a wide assortment of delicious food, and performances by MANY of our talented students.
Book Fair: The books are flying off the shelves! A special thanks to Erin Ficociello, Lori Stalteri, and several volunteers for their efforts in organizing this event. This Fair supports our goal of igniting a passion for reading, and all profits go to our library, which helps to grow our inventory of books! Thank you, ALL, for your support!
Principal of the Day: On Tuesday Lisa Mandaglio and I enjoyed the day off while Sarah Preston assumed the role of Principal, and Gus and Scarlett Gustafson, took on the role of Assistant Principal. They welcomed all the day had to offer with professionalism and enthusiasm, much to the delight of our students! This day was a result of the MESPA raffle where all people who donated to the Direct Appeal qualified. No donation is too small; it all makes a difference for our students! Again, thank you for your continued support!
Room Parents: Many thanks to Beth Lepore for organizing the room parents for this year, and of course, to the MANY volunteers who offered to take the lead. There is a lot of collecting and running around for supplies, but know that our students love the many creative projects you organize for their classroom celebrations.
Irish Step Dancers Happy to Share their Passion! |
Bread for Sale! |
Will the WHOLE Loaf Make it Home? |
Sales at the Book Fair are Great! |
Administrative Team Collaborating at Lunch! |
Ms. Preston Meets Ms. Dunleavy's Mother at Central Office! |