For many of our students recess and lunch are the highlights of the day. It is a time for our students to socialize and participate in activities of their choice. This is also the time of day with the least amount of structure making it difficult to navigate for many of our students. In an effort to make recess and lunch enjoyable for ALL, students and staff are looking at what is working and what needs to be improved.
Steps taken to reach our goal:
Use Community Meeting, PE classes, classroom meetings, and Student Council meetings to address issues and to clarify expectations.
Maintain a sufficient amount of recess equipment.
Clearly define expectations for play.
Review best practices for supervising students on the playground and in the lunchroom.
Ensure that students have their allotted time for play and lunch.
Begin a staff member led Game of the Day for students who could benefit from a more structured form or play. We are bringing back the classics!
Celebrate students who are models of expected behavior.
How can you help? Please be sure that your children:
Have the appropriate clothing. We go out when the temperatures are above 20 degrees.
Leave their sports equipment at home. We will provide ALL equipment to ensure that all students are safe.
Remember that recess is all about having FUN, including others, and good sportsmanship.
As always, we thank you for your partnership!
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