Monday, May 8, 2017

Muraco Happenings!

As always, we were treated like “stars” last week, Teacher Appreciation Week.  Many thanks for your thoughtful acts of kindness and most importantly, for your ongoing support, respect, and trust! We feel privileged to work with your children each day, and we value your partnership.  It is our strong home/school connection that allows your children to reach for the stars!

Homework Survey:  This year we made the deliberate decision to look at our traditional homework practices to better align with research and best practices.  The research is clear at our level; reading has the greatest impact on student learning.  Students also need time to explore their interests, spend time with family and friends, and get a good night’s rest.  Throughout the year teachers have collaborated with their colleagues across the grade levels to discuss how to continually improve our practices.  By now you have received a brief survey asking for your insight, and we hope that you will take a few moments to respond. Your feedback will be helpful as we continue to refine our homework practices.

Student Council:  Be sure to check out the Muraco's Student Council's Blog at:

Got Lunch: During the month of May the GOT LUNCH program is requesting that the Muraco community donate jelly.  This program started four years ago, and because of the generous donations from the Winchester community, they were able to provide lunch for over 130 children last summer.  There will be a box for the jelly in the front lobby.  Thank you in advance for your support!

Arrival/Dismissal Reminders:
  • Creating good habits takes great skill and management!  Many students continue to arrive after the 8:30 bell, which makes it a challenge for your child, their classmates, and it wreaks havoc with our lunch count. Please create morning routines that allow for the unexpected so that your child arrives to school on time.  It makes a difference, and we want to encourage good habits.
  • Numerous families continue to use Irving and Tufts Roads as drop off and pick up locations.  This is a safety hazard for our students.  Please use Bates Road when dropping off or picking up your children.  Your children’s safety is paramount.
  • When there is no flag out front students, should line up behind the school.
  • In the rare event that you need to change plans for dismissal for your child, please contact the office by 2:00.  It is very difficult to get messages to students as we get closer to dismissal time.
  • Please notify the office when your child will be absent.
Geometry in Action!

Fifth Graders Collaborating
Second Graders Literally Climbing the Wall!

Budding Musicians!