Wednesday, October 1, 2014

An Invitation to Curriculum Night and Book Fair

You are Invited....
Curriculum Night and Book Fair

This night is intended for parents/guardians.  It is an opportunity for you to meet your child's teacher and to learn more about grade level expectations.  Below please find the schedule and location for the two evenings.  

I look forward to seeing you.

Book Fair will be open from 6-8 on both nights.  It will be set up in the library.

Wednesday, October 8th

  • Kindergarten Presentation: (Begin in Mrs. Haley's room) 
 Presentation in gym -Caren Connelly will speak about WFEE's commitment to our technology plan.

  •  Grade 1 Presentation: (Gym)
  • Grade 4:  Mrs. McDonough only (Classroom)
  • Grade 2:  
    • Classroom visit 7:20-7:35
    • Curriculum presentation in gym 7:40-8:00

Thursday, October 9th

  • Grade 5 Presentation:  (Ms. Ferullo's room)
 Presentation in Gym -Caren Connelly will speak about WFEE's commitment to our technology plan.

  •  Grade 4 Presentations: (Classrooms)
  • Grade 3 
    • Mrs. Andella's and Ms. Rose's classes: (Ms. Rose's room)
    • Mrs. Beauchamp's and Mrs. Souris' classes (Mrs. Beauchamp's room)