Friday, October 24, 2014

Week in Review 10.24

Week in Review

What a week it has been!  The weather did not dampen our spirits, and we made the most of our limited time we had with your children.  It was a pleasure to see and welcome you to school for conferences.  My hope is that you left the conferences confident that your child's teachers understand your child and have a plan to bring  him/her to the next level of success - academically, socially and emotionally.  We value our partnership with you, and we greatly appreciate your support.  It makes all the difference for our students!

Enjoy the weekend!


Arrival and Dismissal

I continue to have concerns regarding the safety of our students during arrival and dismissal, and I am reaching out to you for your support. As the colder, harsher weather approaches, more families will take advantage of the car drop off and pick up line, and it is critical that everyone follow the protocols to ensure the children's safety as well as to keep these processes efficient. 

Each day I continue to see and hear reports of adults disregarding the protocols that we have in place to ensure the safety of our children.  Below please find the key points regarding Arrival and Dismissal.  Please be sure that ALL daycare providers have this information.

  • Students should exit the car from the right side of the car anywhere along the sidewalk. Many families are waiting until they get to the front walkway.  This is not efficient, and it frustrates the many drivers in line.
  • This is a drop and go system.  Once your child is out of the car please do not wait for them to head around back or to enter the school before leaving.  Again, this is not respectful to those behind you.
  • The speed limit is 15 mph.
  • Cars should remain in a single line on the right side.  Cutting into the outside lane when your child has exited the car is dangerous.
  • Drivers should remain in the car at all times.  If your child needs assistance, please park in a marked space. 
  • Parked in marked spaces only.  Recently, MANY families have been parking along the top of the horseshoe, which poses many safety hazards and halts the traffic.
  • Use Bates Road when dropping off and picking up your child.  Tufts Road and Irving Street are not designed for this kind of traffic.  

  • Pumpkin Science in Mrs. Fagner's Class

    Learning with Buddies!

    Interactive Reading in Mrs. Ulacco's room.