Friday, February 27, 2015

Week in Review 2.28

Finally, a five day week, and it was a great one!  

I want to thank you all for your patience and flexibility during this incredibly challenging winter.  Our new car pick up routine at dismissal is improving by the day.  All students are safely loaded into the cars in about 13 minutes!  Your cooperation makes all the difference.

Enjoy the weekend!

Hats off to Literacy:  In honor of Dr. Seuss’ Birthday and to celebrate our love of reading, the Student Council is encouraging all members of our community to decorate a hat that reflects a favorite book, scene, character, or author.  This special Spirit Day will be next Friday, March 6th.  It will be a great literary feast!

Follow Ms. Gualtieri on Twitter at:  You will marvel at what your children are creating!

Fun on the Snow Days:  See how some of our Muraco Families managed the snow!  A special thanks to Ms. Staltari for creating this special slideshow.

Health Room update and reminder dates: February 2015
Pediculosis:  Please continue to check your child’s hair frequently for head lice. If you find any cases, please notify me.  If you need assistance, feel free to call my office. 781-721-7030 ext 114 or check the Winchester Public School website (link under Administration and school health services) for additional teaching information and websites.  
Postural Screening: has been conducted for all 5th graders.  In March a therapist from Winchester Hospital will be coming to reassess any students that we have questions about.  Most students exhibit no findings and are very enthusiastic about this screening, and have found it simple and non-threatening. You will receive a phone call if a referral is suggested.
The Growth and Development program: for 5th grade students will be held in the spring.  Notices to parents/guardians will precede the program.
Heights and weights: for the entire school population, grades K-5, will commence in March.
Strep Throat:  A persistent sore throat, sometimes accompanied with fever or a physician should evaluate upset stomach and a culture for Strep should be done.  Sore throats may or may not be present with Strep, and not all kids have a fever.  Children often complain of a stomachache and headache.  If a diagnosis of Strep is made, students should stay at home until they have had at least 24 hrs of antibiotic treatment, and fever is gone.  
Thanks for your cooperation!

Debbie Provanzano R.N