Friday, March 20th
Did you know that:
- March 14th, is Pi Day and this year was extra special with a once-in-a-century twist. Yesterday's date, 3-14-15, was the same as the first five digits of pi: 3.141592653.
- The ancient Egyptians are believed to have eaten pies filled with figs or dates 3,000 years ago.
The Student Council is encouraging all members of the community to come sporting a symbol which represents their favorite pi/pie.
Creative Writing Challenge
by Matthew Quealy (Grade 5 Student)
The Muraco Messenger is holding a writing competition for students in all grades. The winner will have their writing piece published in the next edition of the Muraco Messenger! All entries must be received by Friday, March 20. The winner will be announced Monday, March 23. The grand prize is a gift card generously donated by BookEnds, Winchester's favorite bookstore. Feel free to write with a friend.
The writing prompt is: You wake up in the year 3000. What is life like? How does the world look?
Drop your work off at the library or email it to Ms. Stalteri at lstalteri@winchesterps.org.
Have fun and good luck!!!